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Transforming Learning: An anthology of miracles in technology-rich classrooms

Author: Bruce Dixon and Jenny Little

MLA: Dixon, Bruce and Jenny Little, Ed. Transforming Learning: An anthology of miracles in technology-rich classrooms. Melbourne: Kids Technology Foundation, 2000.

This book is about a learning transformation that started in one classroom in 1989 and has grown to impact more than 150,000 students in more than ten countries around the world. The book is both a collection of the experiences of some great educators as they passed through a very challenging time in their professional careers, and also a snapshot of learning in so many more classrooms. Transforming Learning is built around three main themes; sharing tales from the classroom, reflections from teachers on the change processes that they had to go through, and some analysis of learning styles and the way in which learning must change as a result of having this type of access to technology.